Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Openvcc is scamer and onlien fruad site

Hello I have order 1 Paypal vcc and bank account for paypal. when i talk with him in his skype he told me his vcc and bank account is safe , so i have order but in 2 days later paypal and bank account ower called me and told , I was used his account credit card and bank account , so i have explain them and showed proff that was mailed from and site is

so Now i guess they are really cheated and scammer cause they sale fraud and hacked card and bank account who was stolen from us peoples computer to using keloger key . So This hacker lives at vietnam and scamming with people and they seaized us peoples MOney from stolen bank and credit card.

SO dont go here he is scammer and big online Fruad man.Also he is big scammer is totally scammer and cheater


  1. His site is very similar to which has also been known to scam.

  2. is scam site too

  3. Hey Pamela, why don't you go fist yourself whore. Your mom is a whore that has taken every dick in your pathetic country.

    Just lay down and rot you AIDS infested whore.

  4. Openvcc is a scam and Pamela owns lightvcc which is a scam.

    Pamela is a cock sucking whore with aids.

    She gets railed by black guys.

  5. Openvcc and cheapvccs and vccghana are the same owners. They scam people, rape women, kill children, eat new born fetuses and they fuck goats.

    They are the worse pieces of human trash ever walked the face of this earth.

  6. is a scammer, liar and hates muslims, christians, jews and everything else. This moron also supported hitler when they exterminated the jews.

    CheapVCCs also said he fucked Jesus and that Mary was a whore. Cheapvccs needs to go fuck themselves
